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Teamwork makes the dream work, especially in the fast-paced world of track and field.

The 4x100m relay requires trust, communication, and coordination between teammates to achieve the ultimate goal. Zaidatul Husniah, a Malaysian sprinter and member of the national 4x100m relay team, knows this firsthand.

Zaidatul Husniah, who will be representing Malaysia in the Cambodia SEA Games, shares how she manages pressure during training and how working as a team helps her along her journey.

1. How have you been preparing for the Cambodia SEA Games, and what has been the most challenging aspect of your training during Ramadan?

Zaidatul: I have been training with a new coach for over two (2) months in preparation for the upcoming SEA Games. This coach I am working with is known for helping a male athlete win gold (medal) in a 100 meters race during one of the previous SEA Games.

To help me prepare for my upcoming SEA Games, he developed a new training programme for me, worked with me to strengthen my skills and introduced new techniques to help me with my performance.

Even though most of my training programme had begun during the Ramadan season, it was not difficult for me as my training took place at night. This gave me the flexibility to work out and maintain my performance.

2. You will be participating in the 4x100m, what does teamwork mean to you?

Zaidatul: I believe that teamwork is important when it comes to achieving a common goal. Similar to Under Armour’s motto “Protect This House”, teamwork means working together towards a common goal, and protecting our turf, so we can make our goals come true.

3. How has teamwork helped overcome the different challenges, both mentally and physically when it comes to preparing for your games?

Zaidatul: I believe teamwork is important as it provides a support system for everyone on the track. In my sport, my team members are those that train and run alongside me and we maintain a good chemistry as we have always worked towards a common goal.

I’m also an Under Armour Ambassador, and happy to have my fellow Under Armour Ambassadors who support and cheer me on as I compete in any game. Even though my fellow ambassadors represent different sports athletes, they have always been my biggest supporters.

4. How do you handle the pressure of competing at such a high level, and what strategies do you use to stay focused and motivated?

Zaidatul: Maintaining a sense of calm and a relaxed mind is crucial in competing at a higher level. It is important that I do not create a sense of tension and provide unnecessary pressure so that I can focus on my goals and do my best in the competitions in which I will be participating.

I am also motivated by Under Armour’s motto “Protect This House” because it is a great reminder that when I am out in the open field, I am representing my team, my teammates, my turf and my records, and I want to make sure that I put on my A-Game for Malaysia when I am out competing in many different sports.

5. How do you deal with challenges within your own team and how do you also overcome those obstacles as you continue to stay on the journey and eye the prize?

Zaidatul: As every team is made up of individuals with different interests, we are bound to not see eye to eye at certain points in our life or career. But that’s ok. This is where trust plays a big role in our team and we have to keep reminding ourselves that we are working towards a common goal, which is to protect our turf, integrity and above all our team.

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