When you take a look around the gym or fitness centre, men almost dominate the weightlifting session. We always see men who want to gain muscles incorporating weightlifting into their routines.
On the other hand, women tend to enjoy a run, a yoga, or basic strength training. Women sometimes avoid weightlifting because they think it can be dangerous or will make them bulky. But these stereotypes about women and lifting weights aren’t supported by facts.
Weightlifting is one of the best ways to maintain a healthy and stronger body. It results in an increase in muscle strength and bone density. These effects are beneficial for everyone. Here are the 5 most common myths that remain about weightlifting for women.

Weightlifting makes women bulky.
Most women do not lift weights and believe it will bulk you up like men. It’s true that lifting weights gains muscle mass and will subsequently burn fat. It is not true because testosterone is one of the primary hormones that is required to bulk up. Higher levels of estrogen and low amounts of testosterone mean that women do not bulk up like men. Women who lift weights are better able to build strength, improve your body composition and bolster their metabolism.
Weightlifting is bad for joints.
Weight training, when done properly using the correct form and technique, should never strain or stress your joints. In fact, weight training exercises help to keep joints moving smoothly by increasing the amount of synovial fluid within the joint (a fluid with egg white-like consistency which lubricates joints and allows the cartilaginous heads of joints to run over each other smoothly). Weightlifting does not only strengthen your muscles but also your bones.
Women burn more calories through cardio.
It’s a common misconception that cardio is the best way to burn fat or lose weight. Weight lifting is as good or better for burning calories. It can increase your basal metabolic rate or the number of calories you burn at rest, for up to 48 hours after you finish your workout. As you build muscle with weight lifting, your body will need to use more energy maintaining all that tissue, which can further increase the number of calories you burn during daily activities.
Weightlifting requires protein consumption.
Protein is one of the three vital macronutrients and is essential for weight loss and muscle growth. But you do not need to load up on protein when strength training. It is more important to have a balanced diet and fill your plate with all kinds of nutrients like protein, fat, carbs, and fiber. It is not necessary to go crazy on protein when going for weight training exercises.
Women need to lift heavy weights to see results.
When starting out, it is imperative to begin lifting a light load in order to perfect your form and get a better understanding of how to manage resistance. However, progression is key in order to get the most out of your physique. If your goal is to improve your strength, you can add more intense strength training and heavier weights to your workouts. Your muscles will constantly have to adapt and will constantly be rebuilding themselves to get stronger.